

  • Good morning everyone! : ) Riz - That's awesome that you are breastfeeding your son! It's so exhausting the first month! I remember waking up from naps and being so out of it! I couldn't remember what time he last feed, which side and my own name! :laugh: I used a hair band on my wrist so I would know! Keep a positive…
  • I found this... 1 ounce of breastmilk=20 calories burned. So however much I pump I'm going to times it by 20! So I have already pumped 6 oz's today so I put I burnt 120 cal! But of course I'm not sure when he nurses. : ( So I'll just make sure it equals 500 at the end of the day. I'm still in some of my maternity clothes…
  • I'm not sure how to track the calories for breastfeeding. I know we have to add on 500 calories for consumption, right? And we burn 500 calories everytime we breastfeed or pump? Do we track this?
  • I love it! He took to it right away but I started overproducing so he was only getting the foremilk and not enough hindmilk so I had to do some adjusting to get my production make on course. But he's gained 5 pounds so we know he's getting enough to eat! : ) I am able to pump at work so he can continue to have breastmilk.…
  • Wow you have motivation if you're on here after 4 weeks! I'm in my 2nd week back to work and I'm going to join the gym today. My first day working out will be on Tuesday with my friend who also had a baby but in Oct. She's very motivated and helps me! It's been very cold and snowy here so I've only been able to take the…
  • Hi Sarah, I'm new also. I had a baby boy in Dec. and really want to get rid of these extra pounds that feel like jello! I hate this feeling. I'm nursing so I'm hoping this will help me lose the weight quicker! I'm going to start working out next week. : ) If I can get out of bed! lol :laugh: I would love to be your friend!…