That is a good question. Generally speaking, your body burns more calories in the morning. So if you are not eating breakfast, then you are missing an opportunity to boost your metabolism early in the day. Also, if you are not eating throughout the day, your body is going to burn as little calories as possible, thus…
According to some research, weighing ones self daily is correlated with weight loss. I lost a hundred pounds in 2012 and weighted myself daily. I logged it in a spreadsheet. It really motivated me to see that spreadsheet, still does. One thing daily weigh-ins do it let you see the ups and downs of how your body deals with…
I agree with almost everyone else here. When it comes to weight loss its not what you eat that counts, its the total amount of fuel you take in. It is all a numbers game. Eat less than you burn, lose weight. Simple. Drink whole milk for a while and see how you do. If it becomes an issue, switch back. Good luck.