

  • Count me in!! I am tired of going to our company's yearly Xmas party feeling fat and uncomfortable. I wanna be slim and sexy for a change!! 12/12/12 is my goal date!!
  • Hey GIggly, I am in the same boat. I am "very" new to this and only know 2 people on here. I lack motivation and find it hard to stick with it at times. If there is any one that wants to be "buddies" feel free to add me! :happy:
  • I am new to MFP and I too work at a desk job where I have been for almost 6 years. As I sit here at my desk, :wink: I am reading all the comments and feedbacks from fellow " cubicle buddies" and they are very insightful. Thanks for all the insightful point of views and words of encouragement. :happy: