amathus Member


  • I weigh myself every day. It helps me to track when I've accidently (or intentionally) gone over my calories. If I over eat, I see it the next day, and it makes me work harder. I don't understand why people only weigh in once a week.
  • When I binge, I see it on the scale the very next day. I weigh myself every day, because, first of all, it helps me notice things like that and nip it in the bud right away, and second, because I read somewhere that people who weigh themselves every day weigh less than those who don't. They did a study. It makes sense,…
  • That has always happened to me. Even at my fittest, fresh out of bootcamp, I'd look like a tomato after running a mile. It is embarrassing, but I try not to let it keep me down.
  • I went to see New Moon today and ate most of a box of Milk Duds and a bunch of popcorn. But I did drink a Coke Zero with it, so I'm good (haha). Tomorrow is another day. I would say just forget it, but you don't really want to forget it. You need to remember it so you don't do it again. As for me, the next movie I plan on…
  • I hate Starbucks! When I first started dieting, I went off Starbucks because I thought it was so fattening, and it was great not just for my calories, but for my wallet. But then I found out that a non-fat, sugar-free grande caramel macchiato is only about 110 calories, and now I'm hooked again. I go two or three times a…
  • KFC is ridiculously high in calories. Thank god for Chick-Fil-A.
  • I want to know how you posted it on this thing.
    in Tickers Comment by amathus November 2009
  • The one thing I know as a sugar addict is that if I cut myself off from them completely, I'll fall way, way off the wagon and binge. And I figure that as long as I'm under my calorie limit, what does it matter what I eat, as long as my whole diet doesn't consist of only Nerds (a personal favorite). I don't allow myself to…
  • I think it looks like your face is a bit thinner, esp. between the September and October pictures. That's where I lose weight too. I wish I'd taken before shots of myself when I started dieting. Congrats on your 14 lbs.
  • I intentionally fall off the wagon at least once every two weeks. It keeps me motivated to lose more when I know that I can still eat some chocolate or lamb curry every once in a while.
  • You can totally do it! When I first started off on my diet, I felt like I was starving the first few days. But now, I'll come to the end of the day with 200 calories to burn (thank God for drinks!) Just make sure you add some variety to your meals. There's no sticking to a boring diet. Like nolachick said, mustard is low…
    in Well Comment by amathus October 2009
  • I've always heard that it tones as well as does cardio, but I don't know for sure. I would also like to know. We need a personal trainer in here to ask. Sorry I can't answer either.