

  • MOTOACTV $150 or less, works great tracking my runs. The only problem is that you do have to charge it probably every 2-3 days if you leave it on. Also I would not run in the rain with it. It says it is sweat proof and you can run in light rain with it but it doesn't seem that water proof. The sweat is fine. I sweat a lot…
  • Please take care in what you post. You have this cholesterol information reversed. First of all the HDL is the "good" cholesterol and the LDL is the "bad" cholesterol. Also the mayo clinic lists "Oatmeal, oat bran and high-fiber foods" as the top foods to reduce LDL levels because the fiber reduces the absorption of…
  • I am so happy there are so many experts on here. This is my opinion and nothing more. You should do what works for you. Some people don't like weights. Some people don't like cardio. If you are getting closer to your goal and you feel good then you are doing the right thing. If you are not getting closer to your goal and…
  • I generally do a cheat meal but what usually happens is that I anticipate said cheat meal and it makes me work out way more in the morning and eat less during the day so that by the time i get to my cheat meal for dinner I can pretty much eat whatever I want anyway and still be under calories. The problem with this is that…
  • Hey, I did not have to lose weight to join the military but I was in the army for 5 years. Probably every month or so we had to do a weight check. From what I remember if you were over the weight standard for you height it did not necessarily mean you needed to lose weight. If you weighed over the allowed amount for your…