kzedelbee Member


  • Yes I'm on 1280, feel free to add me. I'm a bit higher but i'm happy to lose my last 10 pounds slower so have gone for the half pound per week option. So far I've lost 5 ibs in 3 weeks so not doing too badly, I've been meaning to update my ticker but keep forgetting!! I fill up on boiled eggs, homemade veggie soup and lots…
  • usually 1 poached egg, couple of plum tomatoes and a few mushrooms, slice of bacon if i'm feeling fancy and occasionally a slice of gluten free bread. It keeps me filled up and my blood sugar level until lunch which is key for me. Cereals and fruit just make me want to binge later on. I've not recorded my losses yet but…
  • Hi There I also have hypermobilty syndrome and have the same quandary as yourself about exercise. Anything more than walking results in my knees popping out and aches and pains. I've just come to accept that i have to work with my body rather than against it when it comes to fitness and unless i wan't permanent DOMS…