

  • I have developed osteo-arthritis in my knees from what the doctor calls "over-use". I have to wear a brace or athletic tape on my knee when I workout. When my knee isn't feeling so good, I lay off the running, box jumps, etc. I also take a glucosamine supplements to help with my joints. I recommend checking out the…
  • 1. Organic, Uncured Bacon 2. Cage-free Eggs 3. Coffee 4. Cherry Tomatoes 5. Cucumber 6. Mixed Greens 7. Avoziki Sauce (An avocado based dip from Practical Paleo) 8. Bone-in, skin-on Chicken Thighs 9. Spaghetti Squash Cooked 10. Spanish Cauli-Rice
  • Run 800M Rest Run 800M Rest Run 400M Rest Run 400M Woohoo! I RX'd that one... finally. Well, if you can RX running. : )
    in Today's WOD Comment by Mrs_Duh July 2013
  • I've heard that you can add veggies like onion, celery, carrots, etc. You can also add garlic, apple cider, vinegar, and salt. that should help to flavor it a little.
  • I moved out of state a few weeks ago and just joined a new box! Rainier Crossfit - Sumner, WA
  • So excited for the games! A few people from my new box are competing this year... can't wait to see them kick some butt!
    in THE GAMES Comment by Mrs_Duh July 2013
  • 12 Min AMRAP: 120ft Overhead Carry 15 KB Snatches 1 Rope Climb (Had to scale) I got 4 rounds and one carry.
    in Today's WOD Comment by Mrs_Duh July 2013
  • A friend and I decided we wanted to start working out together. So, as we are discussing what we should do for a workout, he says "We should try Crossfit!" I told him that he was completely insane, and that we were nowhere near that level of fitness. My friend kept bringing it up and said that we should try it just once...…
  • That is awesome that you took the challenge! I'd like to think I would be that brave, but just threw up in my mouth a little at the thought of 45 minutes of burpees.
  • I believe my first one was four rounds of 25 kb swings and 25 pushups for time. At least, I think that's what it was. I was completely delirious during and after WODs for about a month or so. : )
  • Today was 4 rounds for time of: -25 Squats -25 sit-ups -25 push ups -5 muscle ups (scaled to one pull up and one ring dip per one muscle up) -400m run I finished in 29 minutes. I'm so slow!
    in Today's WOD Comment by Mrs_Duh July 2013
  • In my experience, there are many different kind of snatches. Muscle snatch, hang squat snatch, full snatch, power snatch... I guess if you are just going to strictly Oly lifts, then the snatch does imply the full squat.
  • Civilized Caveman has a Pineapple Chili recipe on his website that is AMAZING! I also eat a lot of different versions of bone-in, skin on chicken thighs (Honey mustard, mustard glazed, bacon-wrapped, etc.).
  • I second the squat snatch!
  • I've been Paleo for 10 months, and I love it!
  • I did an at-home Muph yesterday, due to plans conflicting with when the Box was doing Murph... so I substituted 200 sit-ups for the 100 pull-ups. My time was 66 minutes.
    in Murph Comment by Mrs_Duh May 2013
  • That is great! Way to go!!
  • There is a great documentary called "The Perfect Human Diet". It's full of awesome Paleo science and info!
  • I'm with you on that! Nom nom nom!!
  • You are in the right group, as we have all drank the kool-aid! I've been Crossfitting for a year now and I'm in love! I've seen a huge transformation in my body and my mind. Best of luck on your Crossfit journey!
  • I've been terrible at taking pictures, but with a combination of Crossfit and Paleo, I have lost about 25lbs. over the course of a year. when I started Crossfit, I couldn't run 800m, and now I can run over three miles. I'm in the best shape of my life and happier than I've ever been. While I've made a lot of positive…
  • My goal is 145lbs. I'm around 150 now. Like a previous poster, years ago I was in the 130's and I was WAY too thin. For my frame, I prefer the 140's.
  • I just bought a loaf last week... and it's kind of okay. It's definitely not like bread. It's very dry and the flavor is a little off. It's tolerable if you toast it (and you have to toast it a LONG time to get it crisp), it's not awful. What I like about it is that it really fills me up! I've been having one slice as a…
  • Sweet Potatoes are definitely okay, and are an excellent source of good carbs if you are working out a lot. I Crossfit and run, so sweet potatoes make a great post workout snack.
  • I just had my yearly physical and my blood pressure is even better than it was before, as is my resting heart rate.
  • I'm currently working on two Masters degrees, so school is my only hobby as of late. : ) When I'm not in school, I love to read. I also plan on starting to play bass guitar again after I'm out of school. I also Crossfit regularly (I LOVE it).
  • That Barbara can be a real b*tch! I have done it and I managed to finish, but I was sore for days and days afterwards. Excellent job on completing it!
  • Don't let the scaling get you down! I've been Crossfitting for over a year, and I still have to scale a lot of stuff. Most people are like that. There are some people who have been athletes all their lives and can master things very fast (like pull-ups, etc.) or some people who are super-strong freaks of nature (those…
  • I was scared sh*tless when I first started, too. Crossfit is hard, but totally doable. You can scale your workouts to your current skill level, and the fundamentals class is a great way to get familiar with all of the movements. Be sure to listen to the trainers and listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right or…
  • I've gotten the same message, and I've heard this same old song from other people. My main response is, "Have you ever tried Crossfit?" They always say no. How can you judge something if you aren't even willing to give it a try? And I agree with the OP... all fitness plans come with risk of injury. Crosffit isn't the…