

  • i use milk and grated parm cheese and i use garlic pepper and salt for flavors with skim milk and i use cornstarch to thicken it and it tastes yummy
  • mine tells me im obese too but im 30.6 i was 31.6 so i went down 1 whole bmi i have about 30 lbs left to loose too.
  • i dont use all my calories at all but i use this site as long as weight watchers and im always using all my weight watchers points, if you have a smart phone you can download the my fittness pal app and points list for weight watchers. so far i lost 8 lbs and i have 30 lbs to go, i want to get into a size 11/12 jeans, i…
  • i do use the wii once in awhile its fun and gets you moving.