LittleCulturedPearl Member


  • Are you vicariously enjoying that rib-eye stake and fries for brunch? How about that devilishly delicious pineapple upside down cake with a side of vanilla bean ice cream? Oh! Oh! Wait! Did I mention waffles and homemade whipped cream topping and sugar-coated strawberries? Check my diary out. I eat "bad" food sometimes.…
  • Have you ever tried adding the REAL ingredients instead of fake "fat-free" flavored additives? Try the following delicious, natural ingredients available virtually anywhere you can buy spices: A dash of: Ground Cardamom Ground Cinnamon (or, cinnamon sugar) Ground Vanilla Bean Ground Nutmeg Cocoa nibs (personally my…
  • OP-- I understand why you did it. My dad had a heart attack from eating the occasional burger and fries for fifty years. Finally the consequences added up and almost took his life. I also agree with other comments that since you did already have that food, it was a bit extreme to throw it away. When you are closer to your…
  • I'm in! I've run close to 1000 miles every year for the past three years, and I peaked at 114 miles during the month of August, so that should be achievable over a several years. So, how do we hold each other accountable? Do we just share our progress on our profile page?
  • What does MFP suggest when you set your pounds per week goal?
  • But meusli isn't usually left to sit overnight. I know about muesli, I like it very much too, but I'm interested in what people put in theirs, too.
  • The overnight oats are different in that they are served cold, yet possess the consistency of cooked oatmeal, which tends to congeal if chilled.
  • Yes, they also expand!
  • I'm nom-ing on my garden salad with homemade Balsamic vinaigrette, half of a pan-toasted mini panini bread, and a fried egg. Mhm!
  • Hey there. I'm hesitant to offer any advice. While I don't support the other comments about their assumption of bulimia, I don't blame them because the title you gave to this discussion is a bit alarming. However, if you are experiencing digestive problems, it may be tat your not eating the right nutrition your body needs.…
  • @cwolfman13: Thanks for that! Actually, during the few days that I was maintaining such a high deficit, I did feel like killing somebody... or eating everything biodegradable. The problem is, my metabolism is so slow that it takes a long time to burn what I consume. My current BMI is about 22.0, my BF% is at 26.0. A…
  • Hi! I have had some medical complications as well, as finally resolved to see a naturopathic doctor to find preventative measures in order to avoid having issues that I later have to take care of. For period issues, I take Chaste Berry and Red Clover supplements; no more cramps or abdominal pangs, bloat, etc. I also have a…
  • I'm on a daily 1200 calorie goal and I never go over calorie-wise because I incorporate the proper amount of exercise needed to maintain it. However, I do notice that occasionally I eat too much fat, sodium, and sugar. I am generally vegetarian, and I eat a lot of tofu, tempeh, flax and chia seed and other grains. I make…
  • I have one, too, and I think it's very unflattering. If you're unsure whether it's excess fat or that you simply need to tone, check your body fat percentage and BMI (Body Mass Index). That way, you can be sure that you're taking the right measures to get rid of your muffin top. For me, it's a combination of having too…
  • Hi there! You start seems similar to mine. I joined almost a year ago, lost weight, put it back on and then realized I need to learn how to keep a healthy lifestyle so that I don't end up needing bigger-sized clothes again. Feel free to add me, I am always posting advice and my own concerns about portion control, exercise,…
  • You have to drink more water in order to avoid this! Also, if you don't like the consistency (they are a bit slimy, like okra), plant them in a small garden pot and grow indoors. You can eat the sprouts and grass by adding it to your smoothies as well.
  • Overnight oats!! If you check out my diary, you'll see I eat my "mush" almost everyday! Chia seeds are superfood!!! Here's a great Chia Pudding recipe that I sampled at a heath food market: Ingredients: 3 tbsp. Chia seed 1 cup milk (almond milk works best) 1/4 cup cocoa powder 5 tbsp. Blue Agave syrup (or maple syrup)…
  • It appears that you are just beginning your "healthy living" journey. Congratulations! Now, do not overdo. It is important to moderately--that is, VERY SLOWLY, lose weight at your stage because if you lose more than .5-1.5 pounds a week, you will not give your body the chance to tighten your skin, and you will have a lot…
  • FACT#1: I used to work at Starbucks. The "low-cal" is also HIGH SUGAR. If you are modifying your diet for weight loss/control, DO NOT drink the Starbucks Refreshers, because they will only boost your sugar intake to extremely high levels. It is simply an attractive marketing strategy, which of course, will not help you…
  • You are so beautiful and you look great! Congratulations and keep up your amazing work!
  • I totally support this advice. If you are just beginning your weight loss/healthy living journey, you should start slow. The main thing you should focus on is portion control; identify the sources of poor choices in your diet by honest logging. Also, you are a woman: we tend to fluctuate up/down to 5 pounds every month, so…
  • I wear skinny jeans when I go out on the town on my bike. But actually, that's the only time I wear them because I don't like them. I'm not exactly pear-shaped, but my hips are wide enough to not be flattered by skinny jeans. I think skinny jeans only look good on people who don't have any hips or gluts or quads.…
  • I'm not sure what exactly is a "fear food"; could someone explain? I would love to share my thoughts/experiences if I can.
  • Is this a "guys-only" area? If so, sorry... I'm looking to meet other runners who have small weight-loss goals (20-30 lbs) and love running. I'm a marathoner-in-training and am looking for running buddies. Usually, I find that I slowly tip off the training schedule when it's time to do time-trials, so I need encouragement…
  • Hi littleworm! I'm a runner, too, and I am looking for the same! I run about 20-30 miles a week, and I follow a regimen with Nike Running Coach on Facebook. I like the beginner marathon regimen, because it introduces all-around fitness training, including gym workouts, yoga, etc. Add me!
  • If this is the first time you are losing weight, then yes, I think it is essential to have some kind of way to reward yourself for eating well and living well. Healthy living is a process that takes time, and allotting a "cheat day" into your routine is a good thing. It's the same as having a normal work week and reserving…
  • I understand you completely! While I have always enjoyed eating vegetables, I also LOVE pastries and bread, cheeses, eggs-- you name it. So, as others suggested, if you really can't help eat these high-fat/sugar/cholesterol foods, just keep an eye on HOW MUCH of them you consume. Also, it may seem to be a "no-brainer", but…
  • Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! You're definitely an inspiration!! Keep up the good work!
  • Six months ago, I became a vegetarian and I have noticed that recently my energy levels are down from what they used to be. I am running at a 6.7mph pace whereas I used to run closer to 8.5mph; I get nauseous and shaky if I don't eat lots of sugar constantly; and strangely, I am craving dark, leafy green vegetables (I know…
  • Thank you so much for your advice!!! :flowerforyou: