

  • coffee, coffee, coffee. alternate with water if you get shaky, but both keep you feeling full. It's my go to at 10 and 2 when I think I might die if I don't get a snack.
  • Man on Wire was Awesome. If you like documentaries you have to see the King of Kong. And if you don't mind sad you should see The Bridge.
  • I can totally relate. I too have equipment, elliptical, punching bag, weight bench, wii fit and I love that Fit TV on demand! It's even fun and my kids like to do it with me. Instead I sit in my chair and facebook friends, farmville, mall world, chess and scrabble. Seriously, and when their all done, if I get too bored and…
  • The first time I lost weight yes I gained it back ;-(, I lost my muscle mass, not just fat. That might be why. It seems like you are doing it properly though with exercise and diet while I was just doing diet. So I don't know if that's the answer, but that's what happened to me.