

  • You guys are awesome, thank you all so much for your replies !! I will definitely take this advice & I do have the Turbo Fire set which includes a few HIIT workouts so I'll add those a few times a week. Thank you all again :-)
  • Hi everyone :-) I'm Shannon, & I'm 32. I'm from PA, & I have 3 children...a 12 year old daughter, a son who will be 8 in a couple of weeks, & my spoiled little boy ( my last, lol ) who is 4. Their father & I split up but we are great friends & he has an awesome girlfriend who is great to my kids, & his mother & I still get…
  • Hi !! I'm new here ( this is my first post, actually ) & I have the same goal as you, Turbo Jam for 5 to 6 days per week. I'm loving the idea of starting it with someone !! I've done it before ( but didn't stick with it out of sheer laziness ) & it was so much fun & results start fast.
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