

  • I've gotten some good comments and help and thanks to those who were encouraging. I was surprised at those who were mean spirited kinda reminds me of High School. I'll think twice before post again. :0/
  • ok then...tell that to an anorexic
  • I'm never going to be thin that is not my body type, but I hear thin, thin, thin so much I wondered if that's the goal for women? If you're thin and that's your body type ...GR8, but I'm talking about those of us who are not thin and struggling with the mindset and images we see and read everywhere. As a newbie I found the…
  • BTW Bcattoes, I never said thin was a problem.
  • Fit is being an appropriate size for your body type. Everyone talks about being thin, thin, thin [and rich..ha!] but I wanted to know what does that really mean? Isn't being fit a more life long and fulfilling goal?
  • Yes, you can be healthy and fat and healthy and thin, but Fit is another factor. I want to be healthy and fit. I'm glad you have found your sweet spot. I am looking for my own.
  • I just bought a used recumbant stationary bike. We can do this!
    in Help! Comment by GweniePoo July 2012