89sjw Member


  • Some fantastic suggestions here! Thanks alot people for taking your time to reply, midnight to midnight seems a common thing so will definitely be giving that a go! A 24 hour log system seems wise! Once again people many thanks!
    in Night shift! Comment by 89sjw April 2016
  • I suppose that's the joy of calorie counting eh? so long you don't creep over and junk food in moderation, it's the temptation of that comfort food at around 11 pm that just gets at you ha, i'll definitely keep in mind to not feel bad about the odd one here or there!
    in Night shift! Comment by 89sjw April 2016
  • Midnight to Midnight is not something I have considered before and seems an excellent suggestion in fact!, will have me worrying less on a "when to eat" and to a more "what to eat" basis I think! I shall definitely give that a try and thanks a lot for the suggestion! Good luck to yourself and once again, cheers.
    in Night shift! Comment by 89sjw April 2016