8smartypants8 Member


  • Hi mamaskully! I have been a vegan since march last year, but occasionally i eat cheese. trying not to at this point because it's so high in fat. here are the ways i eat tofu: use mori-nu as the base for a smoothie. add fresh fruit, ice, stevia and mix. or add frozen fruit and a little almond milk and mix. freeze block of…
  • honey i have been seeing a shrink on and off for 5 years about this type of issue. FINALLY about a month ago my therapist had me write down the expectations i feel i am still held to from my mother and we talked about which ones i felt i forgave her for. then i wrote most of them onto stones and went down to the pond. i…
  • plain OR i make herbal or green or black tea from looseleaf tea. i don't like adding any chemicals or artificial anything into my body - at this point i hope there are plenty of toxins already flushing out. so i don't want to add more. but that's just my opinion :)
  • i have an oxo mandolin from williams sonoma and love it. it's heavy duty and can slice at various thicknesses. only problem is for something like squash or sweet potatoes it is tough to slice them. if you have a wide carrot/potato peeler you can try that for chips, or 'sticks' to bake. :smile: