

  • A spoonful or two of honey, or on some crackers might help in the sweets department. Raw unprocessed honey is great, provides a good lasting energy boost with no crash afterwords, boosts your metabolism, lowers stress, helps muscles recover faster. And does a bunch more for your body.
  • Does adding time/increasing the hill mix it up enough? Usually I increase the speed and duration of the run. I was mainly curious cause a pal of mine said I should take a day inbeteen running because it cam be bad. But I don't ache or anything, in fact I find out I can actually push a little harder and go a little further…
  • I started out using this app that increases the amount every time. Ive been doing a set of a few, rest until it says I needa stop slacking off. And get back to it. This week ive gone from 106 situps to 143 increasing a few every day, Squats I'm up to 77, Pushups 51. So I should rest the strength training, but should I rest…
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