

  • (...last one, I promise!....) :tongue: Perseverence: The rain washes away the mountain not by striking hard, but by striking again.
    in Quotes Comment by Kimiko January 2008
  • “In building a statue, a sculptor does not add clay to his subject, rather he chisels away the surplus material until the ‘truth’ is revealed" - Bruce Lee
    in Quotes Comment by Kimiko January 2008
  • Hi there- I joined last week. Nice to meet you! Good Luck!
  • Oooh- Salma Hayek ftw (or, Jennifer Lopez). Both are curvy with the right amount of muscle tone & "softness" in the right places.
  • Yes- Xenadrine RFA-1 was my "miracle pill" and boy, did it work! I dropped almost 60 Ibs in 6 or 7 months. Unfortunately, when you depend on your "miracle pill" and then you don't have it anymore, you gain it all back- I'm living proof! A lifestyle change is your only fool-proof method of losing weight. Diets are…
  • I know there's a lot of hype about teas but if you drink 1 -2 cups a day of tea (wulong/green), warm or hot, it'll get things moving for you and you'll even have time to make it to the bathroom!
  • I do weights, first. By the time you finish lifting, your body is warmed up & heart rate is elevated- it's much easier on you to get your heart to the metabolic rate it needs to be at, to start/continue burning fat. I don't know about you, but after 5 minutes of running, I'm already struggling. When I lift weights first &…
  • "Don't talk about it- BE about it." - Pass the Courvesior, Busta Rhymes
    in Quotes Comment by Kimiko January 2008
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