

  • you can add me. I am just starting back up with this. I also quit smoking it has been 1 year 7 months and 8 days since I have smoked.
  • I understand how you feel. When I was young and skinny my dad would always tell me if I would just lose 10 more pounds I would be so much prettier. I was down to 130 pounds at 5'10" and he was still telling me this. I always wonder what he thinks of me now. I was almost 350pounds. I am now down 23 ponds. We do not have a…
  • I just want to say that I am very proud of you for losing 23 pounds. I have lost 23 pounds in 5 weeks with my 130 pounds lose total. I just want to share what my zumba instructor told me last week when I was frustrated with not really noticing a difference. I mean I can tell that things are starting to fit differently and…