

  • I am starting it wednesday! Waiting on the mail to bring it tomorrow. I have been doing the elliptical for 50 mins a day for the past three weeks trying to get prepared for it. I am not sure what i have taken on but i am ready to get the weight off. So we shall see. Lets keep up with each others progress to see if we have…
  • Our bodies are strange creatures.... i know all about the water and how hard it is to make it go away. you can do this. dont get discouraged with the way your body is reacting right now. Push harder to make it thru! Dont make excuses if you physically can get up and move,,,,, do it! You will be thankful you did.
  • Just hope you know all of us here are on the same path and have these goals as well. You can do it. This place is a great start and you dont have to be alone.:happy:
  • My problem is getting up in the middle of the night and eating. I dont even remember doing it alot of times until i find the empty bowl of cereal beside my bed in the morning. Who has that problem? Hard to control something you dont even know your that's a little crazy i think! and comical!
  • Im 35 and i consider myself young. I am not looking forward to the 40yr old mark. But if im in shape it shouldnt be no biggie!