My name is Rose and I am 25 yrs old. I am 5'-3" tall and my start weight was 295 lbs. So far I have lost about 12 lbs. I originally started doing MFP on my cell phone about a month ago and I realized recently that I could get online and talk with others doing the same thing. I am in school (almost done) for video…
I'm going to guess 25... I'm usually not very good at this :)
Weight watchers has an ice cream bar similar to a frozen snickers except it also has vanilla ice cream stuff. They taste so delicious. You should be able to find it in the freezer section where all the other ice cream is.
9.5. You have a really fresh look :)
@silvergurl - All the different faces you're making :)
I am in video production school and I would like to make an entry to a film festival.
I am a very sweet, bubbly person who drives like an insane person.
The portion sizes we eat has gone up dramatically. Nobody thinks twice about getting a supersize meal at a drive thru. One super size meal has nearly all you fat and calories for the day and people will eat more than one of these a day often times. I came from a family that hated cooking so we ate out almost every meal.…
@andreacain218 - I love the color of your eyes :)
Haha! No, it's a lace shirt with a tank top.
@wjewell- you have a beautiful smile :)
I think it is best to weigh once a week in both the morning and after dinner. I like to know how much I weigh at my lightest and heaviest during the day.
I think a lot of people judge from their own insecurities. I think the first step for dealing with ugly comments from family members is to tell them how their comments make you feel. To fix the problem they need to know there is a problem.
In a boat