

  • That is exactly what I am looking for thank you very much. tangal88 ; ) Where can I get a heart rate monitor for cheap not real expensive but for what I need. Can you recommend one for me? Again thank you very much for your quick responses. ; )
    in Ab Ripper X Comment by rtp52 July 2012
  • With a heart monitor does it tell you the amount of calories that were burned off? Or do you have to estimate according to only what the heart monitor puts out. I am a novice as you can tell lol
    in Ab Ripper X Comment by rtp52 July 2012
  • I thank you all for your input. I am seeing very many different results throughout searching for this information and even see some reporting as high as 400-600 calories burned for just Ab Ripper X It seems there is no definitive answer for this. : (
    in Ab Ripper X Comment by rtp52 July 2012
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