

  • Sorry for the typos. Im on my phone and it respells my words sometimes. The last sentence was sposed to say...since I'll be followin a video or dread it even more...
  • I don't know if its cuz I'm at the half way point or what but I'm feelin kinds unmotivated. I just finished my week 2 day 5 workout. I'm popped and i love the feeling but somethings off. I seem to not be able to push myself as much as when i first started. I has hoped that by this time in the workouts i wouldn't be havin…
  • This is my first time doin a challenge. Ive never done very many of those so my calves are burnin. I only managed 100. Hopefully I can do the last half later today.
  • Lol i may just switch completely then. It would def be nice to have a break from her new boobs. Do you still bodyrock? are there any good things to add to the workout aster the challenge is over. I thought about doin 30 day shred. I'd love to try p90x i just don't know if I'm ready for that serious of a workout. But who…
  • ok I looked up the january challenge and it looks like it wont be too bad. I like the there isnt alot of equipment used too. They still use the sandbag and dip station alot but at least there are some alternatives. I hate to give up on the may challenge tho so what I may try and do is substitute workouts from the may…
  • ok ill check that one out. Im lovin the burn workouts (even tho I have to mod them because of equipment sometimes). I found the 6 workouts 2 times through easier to do and I dont know if its because its more variety and I dont have as much time to dread them or if its gettin easier. Thanks for the advice. I wouldnt mind…
  • Im startin to get a little discouraged. I had to skip the sculpt again today because I dont have the equipment. They didnt give any alternatives in the video and I dont have a sandbag, weights, or anything to hang from. Its kinda bummin me out that Im not completing the workouts because of the lack of all the stuff. I had…
  • Honestly I'm goin through this same problem. I've always been such a quitter but i think what made the difference for me was recognizing that i had a problem giving up on things. Especially if it was hard or didn't offer instant gratification. I did some looking around at different things and finally found a workout…
  • Thanks. Im tryin to figure out what to do with my "active" rest day. I had hoped to go back and do a sculpt that I had missed. But man I just cant find the motivation to do it lol. The exercises have been kickin my butt all week and if I even think about another squat Imma cry. Even sittin down to pee reminds me of doin…
  • WOW this thread is so inspiring. I cant wait until I have lost enough to do a before and after post. I just started workin out this week. Everyones story is so amazing. Some had my jaw droppin from the huge difference.
  • how cool. I just sorta did Day 4. I did the Burn workout this morning. Man those mountain climbers looked fun until I got to doin them. I couldnt even get my legs all the way up underneath me. And I had to take quite a few breaks. Ill be glad when I get used to the workouts and arent so sore. I was pure lightheaded from…
  • Id love to have an update on how everyone did. Are you still bodyrockin even though the challenge is over. I just found the site last week and decided to ease into it all by doin the 30 day challenge from may. I wiish they would do another one because I dont really know anyone else thats doin it at the same time as me.…
  • Thanks. Im wondering about the day 3 workouts. I know there are 2 and your supposed to do them back to back but could you split them up and do one in the morning and one at night. I know it wouldnt be as effective but my shoulders are still sore and i dont wantto push them too hard or get to the point where i can't lift…
  • I just started the challenge too. Just doin the fit test was brutal. I ended up havin to take a day off yesterday because I could barely move. I ended up just lookin up a low-impact aerobics workout on youtube and doin that. I started back today doin Day 2 of the challenge. It def lets you know how out of shape you are.
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