ryovanovich Member


  • I'm starting again too.... had lots of success last summer/winter, until the BBQ/Beer season hit... Gained about 10lb back, even though I only slipped a little bit off of my "maintain lifestyle" ... and it's been hard getting back into the groove of logging everything, and planning out what to eat. Good luck!
  • Thanks a lot for the quick replies, guys... Yeah, I try to donate 3-4 times a year (helps to have this yearly memorial, and a Red Cross station a block up from work) And thanks Bath... excellent guideline. I will probably take everyone's advice and not log... but the 600c is good to keep in mind, just for the fact that…
  • Personally, I weigh in after the restroom, upon waking... I figure that weighing in every day eliminates the possibility of some water weight fluctuations hitting on that one day, and being a big swing (either way). I also like having the feedback for short term choices. If I have a burrito (even though I made it fit under…
  • Thanks for the feedback, guys... I was leaning that way, since it is really a lot of the 'Water weight"
  • Same boat here... and I've been using it as a motivating way to get up and do that evening exercise... get up and do 30 min of elliptical, THEN have that glass of scotch.
  • Tilapia is really good sauteed with sliced Mushrooms too. Little salt and pepper on the fish saute the mushrooms in Olive oil first, with some sage and pepper add some (sliced or diced) shallots about 3 min in... total on mushrooms 5min - set aside (you can add garlic here too) put the fish in the hot pan and saute. flip…
  • Sure these have all been listed by now: GREAT Nut selection, raw, salted, flavored, etc .Hummus is excellent Lots of sauces (Thai Green Curry, Red Curry, Choppino, etc) Pizza dough LF Cottage Cheese is best tasting IMO Good selection of pre-frozen fish (mahi-mahi, black cod, ruffy)