ehbikki Member


  • Well luckily (or not so luckily) for me I have been suffering from IBS and I had to dramatically reduce red meat, white rice and bread. No more bacon rolls but - I have finally started seeing a weight loss! I've been on MFP for a while but only been logging food every day for a couple of weeks - and suprise, surprise -…
  • Well, the local fitness centre my Mum attends cancelled her early morning Zumba class and replaced it with Kettlebells so she started going along - I couldn't believe it as I'd always thought it was a pretty hardcore class! I went at Christmas - mistake! Tummy full of turkey, I felt ill throughout the whole class but I'm…
    in Intros Comment by ehbikki May 2013
  • I don't think you need to do intense work outs every day, just make sure you are incorporating some exercise into your daily routine (walking around at lunchtime, taking the stairs instead of the lift, etc). Have you tried swimming and water based aerobics? They will be the best for your joints! I am not an exercise junkie…
  • Well, the smog has cleared in Beijing so I'm feeling more inspired to try and get back on track with the healthy living... No one's resolutions really kick in til ChunJie do they? I started using MFP in the UK when I was back for a stay and despaired at the idea of trying to track calories in China - still doubtful it can…