

  • Agree completely! I think my scale just likes to mess with my mind. Today it told me I lost weight (again), despite trying everything within my power to go the opposite way. I've tried to develop a habit to eat a little something for breakfast (not usually successful, since I'm not hungry at that time of day), then nibble…
  • Hey Ace, pretty darned hard to maintain the 3000 calorie/day plan, and I don't always succeed. I work as a manager at a retail store, so I'm constantly moving and found that I was burning almost 2100 calories a day (my intake was averaging only about 1800) and was left with very little time to eat a regular meal until…
  • Hey, Ace, same here. People always offer me their weight, and also there were those dire warnings that because I could eat whatever, whenever, and never gain, it'd all catch up to me when I turned 30, then 40. I'm 50 now and weigh the same I did in junior high. I'm trying to maintain a 3000 calorie per day diet, but also…
  • Right there with you guys. Thank goodness I stumbled across this site. Sure has been helpful in at least guiding my progress, and lack thereof. Trying to find that balance between finding at least semi-healthy food, not breaking the bank, and gaining weight without limiting activity is harder than it looks. Wish us luck!