

  • First baby - it was gone within three months second baby - took 5-6 months This time - going on 10 months now and it is NOT getting better
  • You know, it sucks to feel fat and frumpy after having a baby, adn the urge to "diet" is strong. However, you CAN diet and BF, you just need to add 500 calories to your diet! It can be done. I would never give up BF just to diet.
  • NM....going to keep out of this one! ;-)
  • Ohh, going to go check it out!
  • Thanks judkinsjenny! I ended up just upping my calories to 1500 with the intention to not adding BF to my food diary, I know setting it to 1200 and then adding the BF to the dairy makes it 1500 anyway, but it was throwing me ogg not seeing the actual amount of calories I was easting, lol. But technically, it's the same if…
  • Makes sense! Thank you :-) Good luck on your journey as well!!!!
  • Wow, I really can't thank you ladies enough, I have been going CRAZY trying to do the right thing! I really, really, want to lose this last bit of baby weight and then what I gained before that. Basically, I want back to me "pre-kids" weight ;-) I got back there twice, but this third babe of mine was different! But...her…
  • Thanks! I actually re-adjusted my ticker, I actually have 22 pounds, that ticker was set at an initial goal (to keep me more motivated), but i changed it. I am wondering if I should even add that BF addition to my diary, I think it's messing with my head, rofl. I think I'll make my NET 1500 and go from there!
  • Yeah, I think that's what's throwing me off, adding it to my food diary messes my numbers off, lol I made my diary public for a bit if you want to take a peek! I appreciate it, not sure why this is throwing me so off!!! If it helps, for awhile I had my NET set at 1800, was eating my exercise calories, but NOT adding the BF…
  • I can't find it in exercise, it's actually an option in your food diary! If you search for a food "breastfeeding", it's there, weird huh??
  • OK, thanks, I think I need to go back and change my goals a bit and change my weight loss goal from 2 pounds per week to .5, good idea. I am close to my original goal, which is back to my pre-preg weight, then I have another 15 to be happy. I gained a bunch right before getting PG this time. I also do NOT want to mess with…
  • My baby is 9.5 months old and I allow an extra 300 calories right now, this is new the past couple of weeks, up until now I was adding 600 calories. However, she is eating a ton of solids now so I feel like it's safe, watching to make sure though! What do you ladies mean though by adding it to your diary?
  • You SO rocked it girl!!! LOVE the pics, so inspiring!
  • I just can't find it on the beackbody site!
  • Can anybody point me in the direction of the Chalean ex / Turbofire hybrid schedule? I am currently doing chalean ex. but want to do this hybrid next! Thanks!