jtgilfoy Member


  • Just get an older (say 1995ish) BRAND NAME mountain bike without shocks. They exist in mass quantities everywhere for cheap, and were well built bikes. Get a tune up and some slick tires, and you are all set.
  • Biggest lesson is that an ounce of cheese is a very small amount :(
  • do it do it do it do it do it. I was blind without my glasses. Knowing what I know now, I would have paid twice what it cost me.
  • A cup o fat free greek yogurt, strawberries, vanilla protein powder, and a half cup of grape nuts. That's breakfast almost every morning lately. Delicious.
  • Unless you get paid in sacks of krugerrands, you live too far from work period. Maybe not even then.
  • OH jeez he hasn't even hit puberty yet. Let him be. Seriously, you're going to give him body issues.
  • I'm inclined to say that September is fine for a century, but it really depends on the ride. Consider two local longer rides, Seattle to Portland and RAMROD (Ride Around Mt. Rainier in One Day). The latter is a 150 mile death slog for only the fittest cyclists, the former a 200 mile party on wheels for 10000 riders with…
  • Most applicable to me personally, I'd say that exercise is for fitness and diet is for weight loss. Both important, but not exactly the same goal.
  • Hoping to try it out next year. Probably start with ducks or upland birds.
  • Oh man... the brakes alone! It's just amazing that some of whats out there is even legally allowed to be called "brakes" for all the effect it has on momentum.
  • Not at all! Top of the line is for rich folks :) I just think that this: http://denver.craigslist.org/bik/3668355862.html is not only a better value than the new $200 bike, it is objectively a better bike irrespective of price. EDIT: Though honestly (I looked at your link) that looks better than what I usually see at $200.…
  • Do not buy a walmart bike, it's a recipe for hating it and being unable to resell it. Road bike vs mountain bike is not the issue. Toy store crap vs quality made bikes is a much bigger deal. I suggested mountain bikes because there is such a glut of decent ones out there for cheaper than new crap. trek, specialized, giant,…
  • Don't sleep on craigslist! There are just a TON of nice older bikes that got ridden a few times and put in people's garage. As a new biker, I'd look for a nice brand name mountain bike from the early 90s. That old and they won't have energy sapping suspension, and really just have the geometry of a touring bike but with…
  • Get a pressure cooker, make beans and rice. Spice it with whatever you like (I like cumin and chili powder). Cheap, nutritious, and fulling.
  • No I'm not, I'm a person. What gave you the impression that I am "food staples"?
  • There will never be PROOF, and the USADA has no authority to strip him of his titles. That said, I'd bet SERIOUS money that he was dirty as sin; all his serious competition has been proven dirty. Do you really think he could beat all the cheaters without cheating himself?
  • Any old basic bike computer will do what you are asking. Less than $20 at any bike store :)
  • How could you run at walking speed? The question doesn't make sense to me.
  • Honest truth, it sounds like you know it's a bad idea (for whatever reason) but are hoping for people here to give you some way to justify it.
  • Your husband's lack of enthusiasm and your parents concerns about care (are they providing care?) seem much more important than what you are asking. Your personal goal weight is pretty small potatoes in the big picture.
  • Ice Cream. So delicious, so calorie dense.
  • You have the milestone of the third birthday already built in. Just start telling him now "when you are three, you will use the potty because 3 is too big for hiding". He will say no, but just keep doing that. You have a couple months, and by the time it rolls around he will be used to the idea. Worked great for my nephew.
  • The motion in the mirror when I shook the shaving cream can.
  • Sprint cross country skiing at extremely high elevation. Given the logistical concerns associated with that... what exercise do you like? Probably better to do something you enjoy and will stick with.
  • Phelps for longevity, Bolt for just being a class apart from all the competition. I'd still vote for whoever the best decathlete ever was for "greatest Olympian".