Never2Late2BU Member


  • Good Morning Had a good workout this morning! Myself talk was telling me to stay in bed and workout after work..... I opened my eyes and saw a sign I posted on the wall by my bed "Get UP and Change Your Life!" So I got up and did my workout and was glad I did. This is going to be hard but I know I have to push through it!
  • I had a good workout today. I was really dreading doing abs today. However, I found it not as bad as I thought it would be. I still cannot stand doing planks! One day I hope to change my relationship with planks! I still need to work on my eating.... I get sooo mad at myself when I get up at 4:30 am do a good workout and…
  • Good job! Glad to see you pushed through it....
  • Hello All 1) Your Name and Where You Live My name is Sondra I live in Michigan 2) How is your current fitness? I would say I'm the type who starts a fitness program get 1 or 2 weeks in then stop..... 3) What are your fitness goals? 1. To actually start and finish T25! 2. In 10 weeks I would like to be at least 15 - 20 lbs…
  • I'm so glad to see others started on the same day! We can do it!!!!!!!
  • BACK FAT be gone!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks You Guys. I already have 3, 5 & 8's so I can save money there!