djzeeko Member


  • I know this thread is dead but just in case someone is googling like I am, I'd like to share my input. I'm 5'5", and my weight has varied from 230 - 170 lb. During the time I lost those 60 lb, I maintained 124 lb LBM. Life happened, I slacked, and currently my LBM is 120 lb out of 188 lb total. Doctors and gym employees…
  • By far my favorite post. Every single line is basically me (when I replace pilates with muay thai, that is)
  • I'm only halfway, but here it goes: 1. You're dying. When you sit there thinking about all the things you can't do, you're just rotting in a pile. 2. Rotting in a pile is much less fun than taking a bike ride. 3. You can get healthy without a job. Lots of exercises can be done without equipment. 4. before you do that,…