

  • I did Insanity also. That is one hard series of workouts. I had similar results, I didn't lose a ton of weight (10 lbs or so), but my waist got super small and my belt kept tightening. I now do a hybrid Power 90 (not P90X, the easier, less extreme one) and Insanity workout. I would recommend Power 90 if you are looking for…
  • I'm sort of in the same boat. I'm 5 '11 and wanted to get under 170 lbs by the end of August. I started at about 183 two weeks ago. Well, I'm down to 169.5 today. I do the Power 90 workouts. Not P90X, but the one Tony Horton made before. It's glorified aerobics and strength training with body weight exercises and…
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