6packsomewhere Member


  • Hi girls! I'm here to join the club. My husband and I have been TTC since January. He has been ready for a while, I'm still wanting/needing to lose more weight. I am so worried that we will have a hard time getting pregnant. I already have type 2 diabetes and am taking labetalol for hypertension and levothyroxine for…
  • You look fabulous! Thanks for posting and sharing!:smile:
  • Hey girl, thanks for sharing. We all have hang-ups! Lots of people still feel like they look the same even after losing weight. I had the same problem. I lost a TON of weight, and didn't see the difference in the mirror. Only in picutres. So crazy! It truly is your brain playing tricks on you. It's like having a form of…
  • You are soooo inspiring! You look fantastic, and should feel so proud of yourself! Thanks for posting. People like you help me to stay motivated!
  • JenPeerles is absolutely correct. You should be re-fueling your body. You will plateau more easily or see a stall in weightloss if you do not eat all of your calories. - Your body senses what's going on and will go into starvation mode. Keep it running efficiently. Your metabolism stays revved that way too. Just make wise…