

  • I am on board with you about doing it as a Whole60 this time too - I need to get my sugar dragon "slayed" :-)
  • Well I am not quite so ambitious as to think I could do a pull up when I am pushing 400 on the scale, but I would be thrilled to do a regular pushup :-)
  • If I had a £1 for everyone who has said that to me after they find out Ive lost over 5 stone in 9 months.Im so fed up with it Ive now started to tell people I drink a secret potion made by elves who live in the forest behind my house. [/quote] ROFLOL!! I can't quit laughing at this!
  • Hi! I did my first Whole30 in September/October of this year and actually did 34 days compliant and felt fantastic! I wasn't really sure where to go with myself after that (food budget didn't help...) and fell off the wagon. So, I am wanting to get back on board and do this again in January and spend a little more time…
  • It might help to decide on a time schedule as well for when you start and stop your day. I did this when I was on WW before and I was working the graveyard shift. Whatever was after midnight went on a "new day" and continued until 11:59 pm that same day. So, I made sure I was tracking everything from eating while I was…
  • Sounds yummy! I have a big zucchini to use up too. Thanks!