I don t exercise to lose weight. I exercise for the metabolic changes, in the aerobics and for the strenght. Asking how much fat you lose running is like asking how much muscle you build in the gym. The objective is the health, have endurance, have power and be strong
My advice would be add a resistance training session, it could be bodyweight or with free weights if you can have them. Strenght will make your running much easier and should help build muscle - (tonning for the ladies)- i don t know your goals, you want to look good, want to be healthier, or just improve your running...
Cheat days are a good tool in order to help the dieter psycological and physiological. You can have a "cheat day" (which would be better to be a cheat meal) where you don t count macros, just relax and enjoy, or you could have a structured "cheat day" which is known as refeed where you watch your macros and have a surplus…
Breakfast is not such a big thing. If you like to eat when you wake up, eat breakfast, if not, skipping it could be a good thing. You might be interested reading about IF (intermittent fasting). I recommend you and Martin and Andrew (LG and rippedbody) have a more…