I got it 3 days ago and so far I really like it. Now I'm very out of shape. Not bed bound but the extent of my exercise is walking around the grocery store once a week. But in 3 days I'm feeling soreness from muscles that haven't been used in years. You jog you do presses and squats and lunges. The sensors help with form.…
Just finished rereading Harry Potter. Almost finished with The Night Circus by Erin Mortgenson. Recently read a few steampunk novels by Stephen Hunt, have the next one on hold at my local library! Next book I'm reading is Map of Time by Felix Palma.
chipotle tabasco and I have this off brand one I got in a gift set that's like an asian soy tabasco style sauce, OMG super yum on pork.
The one time I went I had to cut the pony tail holder out of my hair to wash it the next morning. It was like that episode of Friends where Monica has to get the beach braids b/c of her hair totally poofing out lol.
I'm like the laziest "getting ready in the morning" person maybe ever. What I've been doing lately is not washing it every day, but condition it and rinse that out. Then towel it dry and then I'm putting coconut oil on it, from middle to ends and then combing that through and letting it dry. It's not perfectly beautiful…
Oh definitely this!
When every time you shower you aren't sure if there's a small mouse trying to come up out of the drain or if it's just your hair.
When someone suggests going to New Orleans for a weekend and you're like you mean me and my hair? Two tickets required.
I Am A Rock Simon and Garfunkel
Kellogg's Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Chocolate Almond. So yum!
That's expensive and I'd be sicker than a dog every day. I'm not lactose intolerant, but drinking milk is hard for me (apart from w/ like fresh cookies or cereal- and even then I usually regret it).
You could be a total weirdo like me that prefers interesting to "happy". Like when everything's crap and irritates the hell out of me I get a sort of perverse enjoyment out of it. Like I'd rather things be interesting and even piss me off than be smooth and "good". I accept this makes me a nut job. And, when things are…
Yesterday was day 5 and I cracked and smoked about half a pack- even after admitting it tasted awful. (Had a dental procedure last Thursday so kinda had to quit for 5 days, b/c dry socket.... no thanks!) I've been using the markten e-cigarette for about 3 days now. It's not the same- so if you expect it to be you'll be…
Are they like between jobs? Like got laid off and currently looking? Or are they someone who thinks working is optional? I don't know that it'd be a deal breaker, but it'd be something I'd keep my eye one, like is he trying to find one and just not having any luck or is he a moocher? B/c this girl does not work to support…
She's cheerful!
This is my go to cocktail - w/ a lime twist!
I ate there last Saturday for lunch and w/ dessert it was less than 1000 calories! But that wedge salad is deceptive! My sis ordered it, it was a quarter head of lettuce w/ some bacon and nuts (no blue cheese on hers) but the website says it's 550!
in for some new ideas! I like zucchini boats- hollow out a chunk, cook that with some quinoa and turkey italian sausage and then stuff the zucchini and bake that, like twice baked potatoes but w/ zucchini. It's easy and very versatile you could stuff it w/ whatever you want!
Do. This.
Ugh people "helping" so obnoxious! I'm sorry they are all making it so uncomfortable for you. I'd be counting the days to go back to college and do what's best for you and in the interim either ignore them or say in a really sweet, kill 'em w/ kindness way "what I've been doing has worked so far- so I don't see this as…
Not exactly maybe what you are asking, but I have a fitbit and what I find is that when I'm up more throughout the day (office job and not a fan of sweating here lol) say like 6 little 5 minute bursts of walking quickly or jogging or jumping up and down for 5 minutes-whatever- I have a larger burn at day's end than if I go…
park ranger
Tell me this is true!
Firefly House Eureka
I hate the size of my pants. That's what sparked it most recently. And in my darker honest moments I think either my weight is an actual barrier to me finding someone I want to be with and having a real relationship- or I let it be be a barrier. To really explore that question isn't something I'm ready to do right now.
That's awesome! I'm so happy for you. It's wonderful that something that's been hurting you for so long was such an easy fix! Finding a solution is a win, but finding one that's so simple and manageable is a double victory!
7/31/14 (Happened to weigh in that day) : 273 8/02/14: 270.2 8/09/14: 268.6
I hope it doesn't jack up her insurance claim. Like they try to not pay it b/c she didn't have it as outpatient. I get that anesthesia is a tricky deal and that weight matters in that respect, but w/ so much of the country being overweight you'd think that there'd be people equipped to deal w/ that at any surgery center.…
And that's why most of them have the methane clouds that make them uninhabitable?
This totally makes my day!