WarMachine56 Member


  • Pic on left is me at 260 pounds in August 2011, the second pic is me at 164 pounds in June 2013.
  • Thanks everybody! So when I first started out at 260 pounds in August of 2011 I did not know very much about nutrition and diet, only that I had to burn more than what I consumed in order to lose weight. So I did cardio and weights three times per week and took all "junk food" out of my diet. This approach allowed me to…
  • Thanks I appreciate it! My focus has now switched from fat loss to gaining lean muscle. Good luck with your training!
  • It comes down to how many excess calories you are getting from the excess sugar and fat. It takes an excess of 3500 calories to put on one pound of bodyfat. So if everyday you overshoot your daily maintenance level of calories by 100, then after 35 days you will have gained 1 pound of bodyfat. You say that you end up way…
  • Take 5g of creatine everyday, no matter if cutting or bulking. No need to worry about loading or cycling. Stomach problems shouldn't be an issue, and any water retention that creatine causes is intra-muscluar, so you need not worry about it.