stenochick Member


  • bump, to read later :smile:
  • Congrats! You look ah-maz-ing! :drinker:
  • Hi, I weighed in at 168.5 lbs -- a 1.5 lb loss! Yea!!! :drinker: And also just FYI, I lost a quarter inch off my neck -- that one is a bugger to measure. I lost a half inch off my waist. I lost a quarter inch off my hips. I woke up at 5:15 this morning to exercise :yawn: I did a 30-minute run this morning with some sprints…
  • Thursday challenge is complete! Water 9 cups Almost an hour and a half walking Under cals -- although majorly over on my sugar. Gotta give up the peanut butter. yea! Love this!
  • Wow, this thread has MOTIVATED me! I woke up at 5:20 a.m. and went for a run. I walked for 45 minutes at lunch. I drank all my water. And after dinner, I will have eaten all my fruits/veggies for the day. Wednesday's challenge: COMPLETE. thanks.
  • Wow, that bridge makes it look really scary to walk up!!! I've decided I'm going to start training on Laurel Street. Run up one block at a time. There's one block that I swear is a 45 degree angle. Everyone's cars bottom out there unless you're going 5 mph. That'll be interesting. Maybe I'll see you at the race! PS --…
  • This happend back when I was much much thinner. My sister at the time was 50-60 lbs overweight. My sister and I were visiting my grandfather. We walked in the door and gave him hugs and kisses and his first words? "Melanie, you're thin like this side of the family. Your sister is fat like her dad's side of the family."…
  • I've had achilles issues, too. It's mostly gone away since I"ve completed the c25k, BUT I make it a priority to stretch the hell out of it before and after runs AND once or twice during the day on the days I don't run and it has helped immensely. I actually had to go to PT for the AT a few years back. There's two stretches…
  • Wow, shame on us! Those statistics are disgusting. I LOVE to read. I hardly ever read in H.S. -- seriously Cliffs Notes got me thru all the books I was supposed to read. I only read one --yep, ONE -- book in H.S. and that was b/c it was only 100 pages. But once I graduated and went to my trade school and could choose what…
  • Oh, boy oh boy, I'm in. This is just the sort of group to keep me going. Kinda nervous posting the numbers for all to see but here goes: Height 5'8" Current weight 170 lbs Goal weight 135 lbs Neck 13.50 inches Waist 30.75 inches Hips 38.00 inches Right Thigh 22.00 inches Left thigh 22.00 inches I have a bazillion other…
  • I'm doing the Coronado bridge run/walk. So excited, but a little freaked too -- not a big bridge fan. I think I gotta start running up Laurel Street to prepare for that incline or I'll never make it up to the top.
  • San Diego checking in! I can't wait for the lunch hour to arrive so I can soak up the sun! It is gonna be a gorgeous weekend. I thank my lucky stars every day that I live in such a beautiful place. PS GO Chargers!
  • Have each guest bring a pic of themselves as a baby. Assemble all the pics on a bulletin board and have the guests guess who's who. Whoever gets the most right wins.
  • I feel your pain. I caught a glimpse of myself in a store window as I was jogging past (b/c we all look at our form and critique as we go by) and I was shocked at how jiggly the legs were looking. I can offer no advice as I am a jiggle monster as of now. Maybe some weight training for your legs. Or maybe the pole class…
  • We have a BOB and LOVE it. We bought the stroller more for off-roading than for jogging so we waited the 8 month time period. If you're still concerned, just shoot your doc an email that you're planning to run just around the neighborhood or where ever you plan to go. Doubt he/she will have a prob.
  • I'm from San Diego! Welcome to MFP!!!
  • thanks for all the suggestions! I will start incorporating each one until I find what works best!
  • AWESOME!! I wanna run as fast as you!!
  • Amanda, you are nucking futs! OMG that looks like so much fun! I don't think I'd make it thru the first obstacle let alone all of them. I would love to do something like that, but there's one big reason that I can't ever. Are you doing this with the hubby? How do you even train for that?
  • You can find the program at and Runner's World has their version of the C25K
  • Hi! I'm doing the C25K program. I'm at week 8. I really haven't lost too much weight since January -- maybe 4 lbs? But holy moly have I lost inches. I measured myself at the 6 week mark (about 2 weeks ago) and I had lost 3 inches on each thigh, three inches on my stomach, two inches off my bust. I'll be meauring myself in…
  • As I said before, bow chicka wow wow! You look wonderful!
  • Wow! You're a knockout!! You look mah-velous, dahling!:heart:
  • Believe it or not, there's an app for that! Zombie, Run! Go out for your run with your phone and pick what kind of zombies will be attacking you today and the type of outbreak. It's kinda fun. We've got to be prepared, people! Heather, so glad you survived your attack to tell your story :tongue:
  • Congratulations on finishing C25K!!! You must be sooo proud. I'll be starting week 8 on Wednesday. I still can't believe that just a few short weeks ago I could barely keep going for 1 minute and now I'm going for 25+ minutes. Exciting. The program truly does work. You've just got to believe in yourself.
  • Here's another one that keeps me motivated; not sure it's a quote or not but: "Rule No. 1: Cardio" Keeps me moving so I'm prepared if there's a zombie outbreak; I won't be one of the first to go :laugh:
  • pop the frozen chicken in the crock pot and pour a container of salsa on top and cook for several hours. If the chicken if thawed, pierce the pieces a few times to allow the flavor to really seep in. I've had that and it's tasty. That's my suggestion.
  • Haven't had a chance to read all these yet, so this may be buried in here somewhere among the posts. But I must say I really like the one from Jillian Michaels (I don't watch the biggest loser, either) "Unless you puke, faint, or die -- keep going!" That has helped me thru many a-workout.
  • My dad used to call me Pinkydonkers. To this day, I haven't any idea what a pinkydonker is. If anyone knows, I would love to be enlightened. I never thought to ask my dad while he was alive. One of America's greatest unsolved mysteries :tongue: My sister's nickname for me I absolutely hate but she still calls me this - Pig…
  • bananas are now on the shopping list. The banana ice cream sound tasty!