

  • If you are getting more veggies in...I like to bake my fresh or frozen veggies...especially broccoli, I spray olive oil on a baking sheet...spread veggies and spray with a little more olive oil...then sprinkle with herbs...I buy a Italian mix. Bake at 350 for about 20 min or until as tender as you like!
  • Wow....great job! Yeah, I remember the days of a size 8....I am hoping to be there before Christmas! Congrats and know you will make your goal of a size 6....!!!
  • Jumping rope is very inexpensive if you have some place you can do this. It burns about 150 calories (or more depending on your weight) for 15 min. Good luck and don't work so hard!
  • I am just starting and I am 5'10" I put I want to lose 1.5lbs per week and it put me at 1200 calories a day...I just started today so I am not sure how I will do at this level. But it sounds reasonable. I thought 1600 was more what a male should eat daily... Good luck to all of you...I see some of you have done really…