moonrevenge Member


  • "OMG UPHILL BOTH WAYS, IN THE SNOW.. just gotta get you to go barefoot!" Haha! I was just thinking this! You might want to throw in "and I didn't have anything to eat that morning," just for good measure. Good luck to those of you who are running, by the way. It sounds fun, but I'm horribly clumsy when it comes to running…
  • Hi! I'm April, and amazingly modest Aries who likes puppies and long walks on the beach - wait, it's not supposed to be that type of introduction, is it? I've lived in Ottawa for two years, spent three years just an hour outside of it (in a home I picked because I thought I'd finally be allowed to fulfill my lifelong dream…
  • Same here. The worst that I had to deal with was a roommate who was always eating my treats and never replacing them because she "was on a diet."
  • Two of my previous living situations were through Craigslist, but this was about a decade ago. The last time I was looking at the site, it seemed full of scam artists and other sketchy types. I hear that Kijiji is the "new Craigslist." Judging by the things I've seen there, I'd be more comfortable finding a roommate…
  • I'll be here to cheer you on...and judge you if you slip up! Tee-hee! Just kidding. No judging, but there will be lots of cheering. You can do this!
  • Today is day one of week two, and my weigh in day. I lost six pounds and about three inches total. Seeing the result on the scale and measuring tape really helped reaffirm my decision to stick with this!