maacy Member


  • Thanks everyone for all the suggestions! At the start I was eating much more fruit and vegetables, then as nothing was happening I slowly switched over to eating more rice/pasta instead. I just went to the store and bought a bunch of fresh veggies. (I actually keep buying the microwave steam packs but not eating them, I…
  • OK I will try to eat less carbs and more protein/veggies. I do exercise and log it - I play ice hockey 1-2 times a week , run 1-2 times a week and usually walk the other days. Maybe 1 day a week I run out of time and don't do anything. (Though sometimes I do forget to log the exercise) I am not sure I can eat eggs for…
  • Yes like I said the last few weeks in my frustration I have fallen off the wagon and not been eating as well. It doesn't seem to matter. I was eating a lot of fruit and veggies before (of course also most now fruit is out of season so harder and more $$ to get) I don't eat a lot of cheese usually, at most 1 slice a day…