

  • I've used my weight as a protection at different points in my life - college (I was afraid of guys!) and now (I was afraid of my boyfriend - I gained 15 lbs when we were together). Now that I am heavier than I want to be, I sometimes feel like I don't want to go out, or do things wtih others because I don't have anything…
  • LOL! When I got married mine was 26, now its 10 inches larger. How?!?!
  • Can anyone recommend really good exercises for abs (for women who've had babies?) That pouch is tough to lose. Even when I was nearly 20 lbs thinnner than I am now, the skin was pretty flabby... Also for those of us over 40, losing weight too fast without enough exercise can lead to what my daughter calls "bingo arms" -…
  • I'm 5'5" 1/2 and weighed 120 lbs about 2 years ago... people thought I looked skinny, but I felt normal/good. My clothes fit well. I think 125 is a good weight for that height. I think 145 is too heavy for 5'5", but I guess it depends on your muscle mass a bit.
  • Don't give up! It took me more than a month to lose more than 2 lbs, and I was working out 3-4 times a week HARD. I think you are at a plateau. If you keep up the good work you've been doing, one day you will look at the scale and you will have lost 1 or 2 lbs and hopefully you will feel really good about yourself and your…
  • Hello Ladies, My name is Lisa and I am 43 (turning 44 in a month) and am looking to lose another 15 lbs and get back into shape. I excerise a lot but mainly yoga and walking. So I need cardiovascular. Looking for a 5 K to run this fall in the DC area...
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