J4jac Member


  • Wow! You look healthier and fabulous!! What an inspiration! Good job!!!:happy:
  • WTG! Awesome job!!
  • I am not terrified of birds. I hate spiders. I am a lot better about them now.. but two things I really hate..... Scorpions and Palmetto roaches. Since I moved to Texas I have had a few scorpions get in the garage and the house. I over reacted the first time and completely destroyed a scorpion with a golf club. Later on I…
  • Oh, I forgot about another time. I had three young kids at the time and was overweight even then. My family and extended family met at the Zoo to have a birthday outing for one of my kids. I was horrified when I heard my grandmother and her boyfriend making fun of a "fat lady" that was walking by. They were just mean. I…
  • On an airplane home from a business trip years ago, I ended up in the front row seat ( not 1st class) with the un-moveable arms, which made it a more narrow seat. I did not fit, but shoved myself in at a weird angle and suffered in pain all the way home. I had black and blue marks from that. After that I was afraid to fly.…