

  • hiya, r u a diabetic? becourse u should not be that thirsty when u wake up, have u been tested for it, if not it may be worth u looking into it, r u up in the night passing fluids, or do u get double vision at night while ur watching tv, do u feel low some times an cant work out y? sorry its just a thought betty :) xx
  • oh mel, how awful, i'm on a lot of medication, an i thought i would never loose weight, is it possible that u may not be eating enough especially with ur work out, u no eating to few calories can be as bad as eating to many, an if ur doing the same thing every day, ur matablism could slow down, an go into starvation mode,…
  • thank u hunny, good luck to u keep :smile: :):):)ing xx
  • sorry lou i forgot to wish u well, i no how hard it is when u have to struggle, but chin up babe, after all we r all in for the long haul, an it really does not matter how long it will take as we have each other, routing for each other, an if u feel down mail me, i'm not sure how u add friends, lol i can be such a numpty…
  • oh kirsteen, thats wonderful, oh i'm so pleased for u, it does feel great when u no u have done good, i think it was after the 1st stone i got into trouble, i had a bad cold for 4 weeks an found it really hard to start again, but i'm back on track now thank god, keep up the good work hun keep :smile: :):):)ing xx
  • thank u lou, even a small loss is better than nothing, but u feel like ur working so hard, an then u loss so little, but i'm not going to dwell on that, i'm going to think positive, i'm sending positive thought out to every one, lol some times i think u need some thing to focus on, an i have a wedding to go to later on…
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