rivka_m Member


  • This. I doubt that a college student is sedentary. Walking to get to class, from building to building between classes, plus they probably have a more active social life - meaning, again, getting up and walking around to see friends, standing in clubs, dancing. Lightly active at least. Me, I'm a cubicle monkey. I drive to…
  • Seitan (fake meat made from wheat gluten) is my favorite source of lean protein.
  • Up three pounds, presumably water weight. I'm sure I'll stall this week but it's worth it. Gorged on vegetables yesterday. I mean, vegetables smothered in butter and cheese, but they were veggies all the same. So... got my vitamins in, I'm counting it as a win.
  • Just reiterating the "not everyone is American" and "not everyone is Christian" (yes, really, not even in America). Plus people choose not to celebrate certain holidays, or celebrate them differently than the mainstream. I would totally skip Christmas/New Years/Easter if my family would allow. You could always just opt not…
  • +1 OP, your reasoning sounds really familiar to me, I used to struggle with generalized anxiety disorder and it would often manifest itself around cleaning/food, specifically food-borne illness in my case. (I'm actually quite messy/sloppy so I don't know why I fixated on that, it's weird) Definitely talk to your therapist.…
  • Well looks fine to me but then I routinely have lentils for breakfast. With veggies sometimes, if there are any leftover in the fridge. And I eat the same stuff over and over. If you actually like eating this way, then go for it.
  • Too much (I am trying to cut down due to acid reflux). Two cups in the morning, plus small cups in mid morning, lunch, mid afternoon. I like it mild, one of my favorites is New Mexico Pinon coffee (sold at Trader Joes if you have one near you). I also like flavored - just picked up a bag of cappuccino flavored coffee at…
  • Weekdays I pack a breakfast that's usually dinner leftovers or more lunch food. I don't eat it until I get to work though, I can't eat too soon after waking up. I used to skip it altogether but I find a small breakfast, eaten late in the morning, works for me and lets me take a later lunch (which I prefer). It's the…
  • Ack, me too. When I was at my highest weight, at an obese BMI, I achieved a full B cup. But normally I'm an A, and my weight gain seemed to show on my stomach and thighs, with a healthy dose on my face. I don't look good at a higher BMI like some people (including several on this thread) do. That said, I picked a goal of…
  • I don't know, when I started I definitely needed more guidance than I do now. It's overwhelming at first, and I am still figuring it all out, piece by piece. What about Weight Watchers, even for just a one month or three month trial? They have a "Simple Start" option with menus (which I never used but they have breakfasts,…
  • Agree with stairs or YouTube videos. Think about taking up mall walking for this time of year - not as convenient as stepping outside your door but it's much warmer. What about walking around your work building on lunch, is that an option? Also, if budget is a concern, pick up good winter gear bit by bit. Walking in the…
  • Well as humans we're generally designed to crave fat, sugar, salt because eating it when it was available was the way to survive. As to how to stop doing it - where are you overindulging? I find that I can control my eating when I'm out, but when I'm home it's a problem. So there are things I can no longer keep in the…
  • Trader Joe's has a "sipping chocolate" mix that's basically cocoa powder + sugar. A tablespoon is 30 cal. I have a tablespoon or two at a time for a small treat. Looking at your entries I'm guessing you're not in America, but you might be able to find something similar where you are.
  • My boobs seemed to be the first to go, but I was always an A cup at a normal weight so it wasn't much of a surprise. So my boobs will be small but the rest of me will be too, I'm OK with that. I never had much in the way of curves (top or bottom), and I'd rather be slim with no curves than fat with no curves. Just think of…
  • http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/45-happy-herbivores
  • +1 on seeing the doc. This sounds like it might be one of those things that the doc can diagnose immediately and help you with. And if not, further testing is definitely worth getting. For me everything moving smoothly depends on fiber (especially beans) + water + fat. And the fat doesn't seem to count if it comes from…
  • Seitan is good for adding protein. I don't worry about my macros but I've noticed that when I eat more protein I'm less hungry. So I make a small batch of seitan about twice a week. It's 18g protein for ~150 cal
  • I have this issue with generic canola oil. 1 tsp using the website will change to 100g if I look at that day in my diary using the app. I'll fix the app to show 1 tsp, then next time I'm on the website it'll be changed to 1 cup. I'm over on calories often enough without this! Meantime I just use a brand name canola oil for…
  • Yup, see a doc ASAP. In the meantime, can I suggest this is a great time to indulge in things like cookie butter/peanut butter/bacon or whatever your favorite high calorie, low volume food is? If you're holding to strict nutritional standards, let them go for the moment in favor of getting calories. Also try liquid…
  • Oh my. There's a Godiva store on my way home from work, I may have to check... Never seen Leonidas but if I run across it I'll be sure to pick some up.
  • Caffarel gianduia from Italy. It's chocolate/hazenut but so incredibly delicious... I've found it online but it's crazy expensive. Probably just as well.
  • I don't have an issue but then again I really like lentils & beans. Lots of veggies are good for fiber as well, and whole wheat bread/pasta. Just make sure you increase slowly, drink plenty of water and keep an eye on fat. If I have too much fiber and too little fat it'll stop things up so I make a point of eating some fat…
  • A couple of people posted in another thread (that I can't seem to find now, sorry) that going low carb helped them control their reflux. Since you're reacting to so many carby items, maybe it's worth considering. Good luck! I found out that I have it recently and I'm still trying to figure out what helps me. It seems all…
  • +1 on going to see the doc before taking an iron supplement. It's one that you have to be more careful about (and IIRC men are at higher risk for taking too much - you don't lose blood on a regular basis so your RDA is much lower). You may want to address it through diet - red meat, lentils, etc...
  • This. I try to stop eating after 6:30 or 7 but that's purely due to the acid reflux. Before I was diagnosed I'd eat right up till bedtime and still lost weight just fine.
  • I also have UC. I was put on prednisone after a really bad flare so I gained a lot - partially prednisone, partially some sort of rebound hunger due to losing so much weight in a short space of time, partially being too tired to cook since I was still recovering from the flare. It took me years to start properly losing the…
  • This. Exercise often makes me super-hungry so I used to exercise then way overeat the next two days. When I started concentrating on losing weight, I dropped the exercise other than one "oldies" cardio class a week - which is mostly for my actual health anyway not weight loss - and concentrated on diet and actually did…
  • What everyone else said. That amount of fluctuation looks completely normal to me. I often weigh more for a while when I've been exercising more than usual, but eventually the water weight will go away.
  • Not unless it causes you other issues like problems sleeping (it does for me, acid reflux). It won't affect your weight loss though.
  • I actually discussed it with my doc years ago (well before I actually started losing) and settled on a number slightly higher than normally ideal for medical reasons. But when I get there I'll reassess and maybe discuss with the doc again since my health has been stable *knock on wood*. Also I'll have to see what clothes I…