

  • I just peel and cubed, then toss with Olive Oil, salt and pepper and roast at 400 until they're the texture I want them, usually about 30-40 minutes.
  • If an outside garden isn't an option, try planting a few staples inside in pots. We live in Alaska, but being from the south, I'm used to having a garden. Right now I'm growing tomatoes, spinach, basil, zucchini, cucumber and bell peppers in 5 gal buckets in a sunny window. Check your local food bank or Aldi. You would be…
  • My rewards for the mini goals (10, 15 lbs, etc) will be pedicures and a haircut. When I hit the big milestones like 25 or 50 (my goal), I'm getting a new lens for my camera.