

  • I wish I could give you a straight answer. I've been using my Fitbit One since mid-October and I love it. I love everything about it EXCEPT that it is not water-proof or even water resistant to any great extent (I have to take it off to shower, etc.). Because of that - and the fact that we LIVE on the lake in the summer -…
  • That is so fantastically amazing! Congratulations on your loss and thank you so much for sharing!
  • I stuck very carefully to the Body for Life program a few years ago and dropped weight like crazy. I took a lot away from that experience and they recommended 6 days of really strictly watching what you eat -- trying to stay away from process carbohydrates, fast food, etc (clean eating basically) -- for 6 days of the week…
  • Sooooo Updating the Fitbit Zip software changed nothing. Neither did resetting my Zip and then resetting my iPhone. I've tried forcing syncs within both apps and they still do not communicate. If anyone has any other ideas; I'd love to hear them! At this point I guess I'll just stay below my recommended calorie intake not…
  • Mine isn't working either! Now I opened Fitbit and see that there's an update available, so I thought I would try that. But . . . . it says it should take 5 to 10 minutes . . and it's now been 23 minutes and it still says "updating your zip" Sigh
  • I realize I'm repeating the same information everyone else is, but the more the merrier! I constantly go over my sugar limits and though I am alarmed by it occasionally; when I look at my foods for the day, I settle down. I snack on fruit throughout the day. Apple slices, a pear here or there, a banana with my breakfast,…
    in Sugar Comment by britgarn October 2013