ag081067 Member


  • Hi Charlene Last year like you I had a special event and I lost 12lbs in the five weeks. The first week I lost 5lbs but that was water retention. I was extremely strict but it was worth it. I kept it off for months but over Christmas I have pigged out and put it back on. I am now motivated to start again as I have booked a…
  • You look fantastic. I am just starting out again and you have definately given me inspiration. Well done.
  • drink water before your meal and this will curb the hunger pangs. eat fruit also inbetween meals if you are hungry. I find raw carrots are great for taking away hunger pangs. Hope this helps Mary
  • Unfortunately I agree with Scott, you cannot spot reduce. I am also prone to putting weight on my thighs first and my boobs last, but in saying that I managed to win 6 Miss Britain figure titles, Universe and Europe titles and runner up in the Worlds twice. Weight training will shape your muscles, it is physically…