Absolute Fav: Eminem, Shake That Other Favs: David Garrett. Escala. Passion Pit.
So this has nothing to do with the thread, but wanted to let "runfatmanrun" know that my name on is in "run, *****, run!" Haha...
Thanks! She's so sweet with kids and other dogs but afraid of our cat. Just a big baby.
This, when I was in high school cross country the team motto changed to "Run Happy" after the second or third photo of me was printed in the local newspaper, smiling like a fool. Also, I have been so into my music at the gym that one time I walked up to a treadmill and went to get on it not realizing the last person did…
Thanks! I hope this works...
Hi! I'm new and want to post a pick of my dog but I don't know how. Can someone walk me through it? Thanks!
Oh. My. God. My dog just came in to check on me because I was laughing so hard.
"Rampage just before he attacks you" and the picture that follows...literally laughing out loud!
Sorry. The lady in the mirror was me. Trying to watch myself become awesome. You were in my way.