LOL Thanks @maria and @bree...too bad I don't have his paycheck to go along with the looks:laugh: @bree i don't know which one you are, but you are all very pretty!
He's a good lookin chap! Thanks!!:wink: @maria looks jacked! Well Done!
Thanks...I think:huh: ...don't know about that brokeback reference's more like jake from that love and drugs @jenz great smile
Thank you! @peter looks ready for business
@shay nice couch!:wink: @brian looks happy
Has a cool Profile Pic!!
read the guy's post above me!
works at hooters
LMAO!! Likes blue!
Really Nice Eyes
Nice Eyes!
Needs to turn that frown upside down.
Well go figure. small world. Great guess!
You are correct my friend! Did you see that in another
@kat sorry I missed you 9!
You can give him all the The Flash is blinding but from what I can see, 10 for you. @tam 10
Thank you! He is my world! @theuglyfriend your not ugly
I still has the same pic.
- wife also has PCOS and God blessed us with a baby! Keep the faith!
Has Blonde Hair
She is No I'm the lucky one! @emma love the thick dark hair!
HAHAHA... Love it!!
The makeup brings out the colour of your eyes nicely!
@pxp agreed
I wish she was your mom too!
:wink: I will, just gotta hit the gym a few more weeks! lol @Isc stunning
put a shirt on! LOL
Nice..Jealous! @dawn you have nice profile pics