That picture comparison should make you feel great! Even though you may have a little set back here or there, your dedication shows with this comparison. Keep it up girl, you got this!
Slow and steady is something I think will definitely help keep it off for good. Along with diet change and exercise of course. Thank you!
Seriously, thank you for this information! It is all truly great!
Evvvvverything you just said there is exactly what's been in my mind! I am definitely not looking for the latest diet fad. What I want is to teach myself a healthy lifestyle change and continue that throughout my life. Thank you!
Thank you all for your advice and encouragement! It is great to read. I'm truly excited this go around thanks to all of this.
Thank you Discipline14! I love all your steps. Baby steps are really what it is going to take to get this ball rolling!
Thank you so much Froody! That blog you pointed me to is amazing! I couldn't stop reading it! And thanks Luckee! Just seeing you is quite an inspiration!