MomStar5 Member


  • I finished w3d1 this morning while pushing the stroller around the track. It definitely slows me down a bit but at least I did it. Here is a tip for those with a smartphone: you can use use the Nike+ Running app at the same time as the C25K app and track distance, and it is a free app, no accessories required.
  • I have Zumba for xbox kinect and since school starts tomorrow I may actually have a chance to use it. I do run with the couch-2-5k program and ride bikes with the family but I have so far to go that I keep trying to find more to do to help. How long before you start to feel like you have any coordination at all?
  • I'm supposed to start week 3 tomorrow but I'm so excited about seeing the scale move (finally) that I may repeat one of last weeks workouts today.
  • jjcteach, I would definitely add some strength training or yoga on your alternate days. Just do not train legs the day before you run. I like to to do my leg training after my runs.
  • Hello, I'm Brandy, I am 38 and I will be starting this program for the 3rd time. The first was last year; then I had a baby so I stopped. The second was earlier this year. After I finished I moved on to the ease into 10k plan where I hit a road block at week 9. Soon after that I was sidetracked by summer (since ,June 5).…