karey99 Member


  • On full liquids now. I cheated this weekend but didnt eat anything that was bad for me. I just needed to chew something. Surgery is on the 18th and I am so scared and excited at the same time. It has been a long journey to get to this point and I cant wait to move forward.
  • On day two of two meal replacements. This is hard. Im starving. Next week I have to go to three mean replacements. I dont know how that is going to work. Im losing the wieght I need to prior to surgery but I am so hungry.
  • Getting banded on the 18th of next month. Cant wait. How are you feeling?
  • Thanks for all that has responded. I am so scared I wont be able to not eat when Im not suppose to or that the surgery will be too much for me, or I will continue with my ways and go thru everything for nothing. I know its just my nerves and I have talked to my doctor about my concerns but he tells everything will be fine.…